Module 1
Knowing & Believing Who You Are

Module 2
Let's Get Real

Module 3
Purity: Rethinking, Reorienting, or Restarting

Module 4
An Overflowing Cup

Module 5
We Were Made for the "Not Yet"
Module 1
Knowing and Believing Who You Are
- Identity - When you know Whose you are, you begin to truly believe who you are.
- Love v. Infatuation - Real love is often tainted by “the behaviors” we consider to be normal in culture – but we can only truly know what love is when we look to god, who is our source of love.
- God, Guys, and Girls - We must get our relationship with God right before we can get relationships with each other right, including romantic ones.
Module 1 Outline
Module 2
Let's Get Real
- Social Media: It's Not What You Think - The dangers of social media are real, and we need to filter them through a Biblical worldview.
- Pornography: The Culprit of Diminishing Real Relationships - At the root of the pornography problem lies a tragic misunderstanding of who we were created to be & what relationships are supposed to be about.
- Uninvited: Loneliness & Rejection - Rejection can certainly shape us, but it was never meant to define us. This message is an invitation of hope - specifically for students struggling with suicidal thoughts, depression, and anxiety.
Module 2 Outline
Module 3
Purity: Rethinking, Reorienting, or Restarting
- The Pursuit: Who to Date and How to Date - The term “dating” really isn’t used in the Bible, so how do we know what dating with honor and purity looks like?
- A Blank Slate: How the Gospel Changes Your Story - God cares about the condition of our heart, not the technicalities of our virginity, and calls us to adopt a greater vision for our sexual understanding because of who we are in Him.
- Marriage: Why It Matters - Marriage has a purpose that is far beyond our own happiness.
Module 3 Outline
Module 4
An Overflowing Cup
- The Deeper Need - Is following Jesus worth our sacrifice?
- Why Does God Give Us Rules? - The truths of the Gospel support and sustain the commands of the Gospel, which are for our good.
- Love Does - What do you want your life and your relationships to be known for?
Module 4 Outline
Module 5
We Were Made for the "Not Yet"
- How Does Trauma Affect Relationships? - Traumas shape our perspective of the world - which is why we don't live like we are fearfully & wonderfully made.
- Attractions, Orientations, & Identity - The Biblical view of sexuality does not call us to be straight--rather, it calls us to be holy.
- Fostering Friendship & Why the Gospel Demands It - God made us to be in relationship with each other, and it's about time we really understand why.
Module 5 Outline
Complete Curriculum Outline
How Can I Purchase Abundant Life?
Abundant Life is a web-based series comprised of 5 modules and 15 teachings, which you can pick and choose based on need or interest.